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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Pros and cons of taking a cold shower.

Benefits of Cold Shower is a great way to feel refreshed after taking a shower. It makes your body feel refreshed, alert, and in a good mood. Your body can wake up quickly after waking up. It also helps burn fat stored in your body,

A collection of safe ways to gain weight.

There are many people who want to gain weight to avoid the health problems that come from being underweight. However, gaining weight should be done with the same caution as losing weight. Because gaining weight in the right way will help you be healthy and

Let’s get to know gingivitis and treatment methods.

The organ in the mouth called gums is as important as any other organ because gums are part of the organ that holds the teeth in the jawbone and supports the force of chewing. Normally, the gums are pink, have smooth edges, are not swollen,

Party people beware! Severe pancreatitis is a life-threatening condition.

Pancreatitis is a group of symptoms of pancreatitis that can happen to anyone, especially those in risk groups such as those who regularly drink alcoholic beverages, smokers, obese people, patients with gallstones, diabetics, and those whose family members have a history of pancreatitis. This is

Hemorrhoids they can be recover just by changing your behavior.

If you ask which disease affects our lifestyle the most, I believe that hemorrhoids must be included in that list. Because when it happens, in addition to the painful pain that we have to face, it also makes our quality of life decline, inconvenient. In

Behaviors that damage your health

Behaviors that damage your health Every person’s daily life is different. But has anyone noticed for themselves that daily life can have a negative impact on their health? Let’s look at some examples of bad behavior that most people tend to do. Not wearing sunscreen

Not eating on time May cause stomach disease

Not eating on time May cause stomach disease. Not eating on time May cause stomach disease Food is very important to our body. Because our body needs nutrients every day, but eating rice is not timely. In this article, we are going to answer some